15 November 2021

Made in France, in a co-operative spirit: Cocotine’s commitments


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With more than 100 products available for export, half of which are made using alternatively farmed eggs (i.e. other than Code 3), Cocotine promotes its values through its co-operative operations and its commitment to animal welfare. Quality is a goal we pursue each and every day so we can supply impeccable egg products to our clients, be they French or European.


Made in France, Cocotine style


Made in France by Cocotine covers much more than processing: it encompasses the entire value chain, from the selection of chicks born in France to the finished product. Most of our farms are located in Brittany, the region where our historical co-operatives were created and developed to eventually give rise to our brand. To support the value chain, a €17 million investment resulted in a new egg shelling plant in our production area, in close proximity to our farms. According to Carole Paul, Quality System Manager, “our products must be beyond reproach from a health standpoint if we are to continue to be worthy of our clients’ trust, but we also continuously strive to improve our operations and our processes”. As a result, recalls and non-compliance alerts are virtually non-existent.


Our farmers are supported by animal husbandry specialists who offer them guidance tailored to their needs: feed, veterinary audits, animal welfare training, and the list goes on. This daily work concerns both the internal organization of the co-operative and the work we do with our partners: storage, transport, logistics, etc. Cocotine’s Quality Charter serves as a guide for all the actors along the value chain. “From farm to table, pitchfork to fork, we are able to guarantee the correct completion of each step along the way”, Carole Paul notes. Cocotine’s various certifications (BRC, ISO, FSSC, etc.) are further recognition of our commitment.


Co-operative spirit: A core value


Functioning as a co-operative means adopting procedures and values that you wouldn’t necessarily find at a traditional company. The co-operative identity, which was defined in 1895 and adopted by the International Labour Organization in 2002, establishes the principles inherent to this type of structure. At our co-operative:

  • Everyone has a voice, is an active participant in our organizational project, regardless of the size of their farm
  • The Board of Directors is made up of farmers who represent our different geographic areas and products
  • We guarantee our farmers’ revenue during periods of economic uncertainty and major weather events
  • We all share the values of engagement, co-operation and trust.


Social responsibility is a fundamental part of any co-operative. At Cocotine, this can be seen in the fair pay offered to our producers as well as in the support they receive. The goal of completely eliminating battery cage eggs from our products is a terrific example of our engagement. To take this even further, Cocotine has launched Code 2 (animal welfare) certification with the association WelFarm, intended to improve chickens’ living conditions. Each and every day, our specialists audit, advise and provide vital support to our farmers, to help them through the process of converting their farms.

Our co-operative structure guarantees maximum traceability and transparency, because each step along the way is integrated with the next. It also supports strong values, which benefit the women and men who form the backbone of our organization, and which bolster our societal commitments. Cocotine is proud to be a co-operative brand that is owned by 230 farmers and that has earned the trust of our clients thanks to our high quality egg products.

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