
Company status: SAS
Company name: PEP
Business activity code (NAF): 1089Z
Head(s) of the company: David CHAUVIN


ZI de Camagnon CS 70309
Postcode: 56803
City: Ploërmel CEDEX
Region: Bretagne
Country: France
Tel.: +33 (0)2 97 72 09 99

Legal information

Publishing director: Julien COTHENET
Email (content):

Technical director: Sylvain Chevallier – Web Images Associées
Email (technical):

Conditions of use

Project manager:
Vincent Gicquel for Web Images Associées

Graphic creation:
Lionel Herard for Web Images Associées

Design, technical implementation:
Sylvain Chevallier and Boris Billy for Web Images Associées –

Web Images Associées –

Multilingual translations :

LC Lingua – –

Legal provisions:

The various elements of the website (design, layout, content, structure) are protected by design rights, copyright, trademark rights and image rights, and they may not be copied or imitated wholly or in part without the express authorisation of Cocotine
Any person who does not respect the legal provisions will be guilty of infringement and liable to the criminal penalties as provided by the applicable law.

This website constitutes a work within the meaning of Article L. 111.1 et seq of the Intellectual Property Code. Photographs, text, logos, icons, and any other works integrated into the site are the property of Cocotine or third parties who have authorised Cocotine to use them. Reproductions, transmissions, modifications or re-uses in paper or digital form of any site or the works on this site are only authorised for personal and private use, in accordance with Article L 122-5 of the Intellectual Property Code. Reproductions made in this context should clearly indicate the source and author of the site and/or of the multimedia works.

Under no circumstances may the reproductions infringe upon the rights of third parties. Reproductions, transmissions, modifications or re-uses of all or part of the site, for advertising, commercial or information purposes, are completely forbidden.

Database rights:
Databases are protected by the 1 July 1998 Amendment to the French Intellectual Property Code and by French copyright regulations.

Links to the site http://www.cocotine;.com
Cocotine authorises the implementation of hypertext to the site for all websites, to the exclusion of those disseminating information of a controversial, pornographic, xenophobic nature, or that which may generally be deemed offensive to the general public.
The pages of the site should in no way be integrated into the pages of another site (Frame). This applies unless specific authorisation is given, which may be granted on a case by case basis.

A request to establish a hypertext link from the website of Cocotine., should be sent by email to .
Cocotine reserves the right to request the removal of a link if it believes that the target site is not complying with the rules stated above.

Links to third-party websites from the site
Hypertext links implemented within the site pointing to other websites and/or personal pages, or generally to other resources that exist on the internet, are not the responsibility of Cocotine in terms of the links they contain or of changes or updates that may be made to these links.

All rights reserved. © Cocotine 2015/2016. All of the pages of “” are protected.
All rights of reproduction and distribution reserved. © Cocotine 2015/2016.

General cautionary statement:
We make every effort to offer visitors to this website reliable, verified information. However, despite taking the utmost care, the site may contain inaccuracies, out-of-date content or errors. We would like to ask users of the site to share any possible omissions, errors or corrections with us by sending them to .

Nevertheless, the information contained on the site of Cocotine, including its appearance and characteristics, is not contractually binding.

This information does not constitute a guarantee or commitment from Cocotine  regarding any product or service, and Cocotine accepts no responsibility, express or implicit, as to its completeness, accuracy or fitness for any purpose.

Cocotine accepts no responsibility for the relevance of the information provided or for the use that may be made of it by any internet user.

This section on “COOKIES” is to provide you with more information about the origin and usage of the navigation data we process when you visit our site, and about your rights in this respect.

When you visit our site, information relating to your navigation may be recorded in “Cookies” files installed on your device (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.).
These cookies are issued by us to facilitate your navigation on our site. They may be issued by our partners in order to personalise the advertising that you see outside of our site.
It is important to be aware that only the issuer of a cookie can read or modify the information it contains. If you share your device with other people, we cannot ensure with certainty that the services and adverts offered via your device will indeed correspond with your own use of this device and not that of another user.

  • Cookies that we issue.
    The cookies we install on your device allow us to recognise your browser when you visit our site. In order to provide the best service to our clients, we issue cookies in order to:
  • establish traffic statistics (number of visits, pages viewed, abandonment of the order process) to monitor and improve the quality of our services,
  • adapt the look of our site to the display preferences of your device,
  • store information entered into our forms, manage and secure access to personal and restricted spaces such as your account, as well as manage your order,
  • provide you with content related to your interests and personalise the offers you receive from us.
  • Third-party cookies
    When you access our website, one or several cookies from partner companies (third-party cookies) may be placed on your computer via the pages of our site.
    The issuance and use of cookies by third parties is subject to the privacy policies of these third parties. We do not have access or control over third-party cookies. However, we ensure that our partner companies process the information collected on Cocotine sites exclusively for the needs of Cocotine and in compliance with the French Data Protection Act. Please note that you can disable third-party cookies in your browser settings. These cookies are placed on your system by service providers we use to promote our activities and offers. They aim to identify the products consulted or bought by you on our site in order to personalise the advertising you see outside of Cocotine sites and, if you have given your consent when signing up to these providers, the offers you receive from Cocotine by email.
  • Your cookie choices
    There are many different ways to manage your cookies. Any configuration you opt for may modify your navigation on the internet and your conditions of access to certain services that require the use of cookies. You can express and modify your cookie preferences at any time, through the means described below.
  • 1• Choices offered by your browser software:
    You can configure your browser software to allow cookies to be recorded on your device, or to reject them – either systematically or depending on the issuer. You can also configure your browsers so that you can accept or refuse cookies on an ad hoc basis, before a cookie is recorded on your device. We should inform you that if your browser is configured to refuse all cookies, you will not be able to make a reservation or benefit from essential functions of our site. We suggest you configure your browser to your advantage. The configuration of each browser is different. It is described in the help menu of your browser, which will explain how to modify your cookie preferences.
  • 2• Choices you express online via interprofessional platforms:
    You can do this via the site Youronlinechoices, set up by digital advertising professionals brought together under the European Digital Advertising Alliance and managed by the Interactive Advertising Bureau France. This European platform shared by hundreds of online advertising professionals constitutes a central interface that allows you to express your rejection or acceptance of the cookies used to adapt advertising to the browsing activity of your device. The following platforms also allow you to express your choices to all of the stakeholders who participate in these platforms: IAB opt-out platform, Network Advertising Initiative opt-out platform, Digital Advertising Alliance platform.

Please note that this procedure will not prevent adverts from being displayed on the websites you visit. It will only block the technologies that tailor advertising to your interests.

Additional information on the cookies used on this website is available here: Confidentiality policy

Site built by:

Website creation in Nantes – WEB IA