16 May 2022

“Œufs de France”: A new label is hatched for French eggs.


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87% of French people consider it important to consume eggs from France (according to a 2019 CSA/CNPO survey). 


Enthusiasm for “Made in France” products is not limited to food, as can easily be seen by a quick look at the phrase’s frequency in Google searches. France’s Internet penetration rate (89% in 2020) ensures these numbers are truly meaningful. Users search for that phrase 5.5 times more often on Google and YouTube than in 2004 (after compensating for the effects of the rising proportion of the French population that has had Internet access since then). With regard to food, a recent study conducted by BVA and B2B Intelligence revealed that 2 in 3 French people are prepared to pay 15% more for food products made in France. The main reason that was given remains “support for the French economy and French jobs” (mentioned by 80% of respondents). The vitality of even more specific labels (Entreprise du Patrimoine vivant – Living Heritage Company, Origine France Garantie – Guaranteed French Origin, Produit en Bretagne – Produced in Brittany, Terre Textile – Textile Territory, etc.) further corroborates those findings.


National egg production is applauded in France. In fact, 87% of French consumers give importance to the French origins of their eggs, and 89% would like to see more French eggs available on their supermarket shelves. In any case, that is what came out of a CNPO/CSA survey conducted in 2019. 

Logo Oeufs de France | Cocotine

To capitalize on this enthusiasm for French eggs and to reassert their origins, actors in the industry launched a new label, “Œufs de France” (French Eggs), to replace the “Pondus en France” (Laid in France) label. Launched on 1 July 2020, this label guarantees products which are 100% made in France. The goal of the new logo is to promote the French egg industry as a whole, from hatchery workers to egg packaging and processing companies, by way of farmers and feed manufacturers. 


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