27 May 2024

Eggs: Versatile products suitable for any mealtime

Culinary trends

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At a time when institutional catering is facing increased demand for high-quality products, eggs stand out as essential ingredients in any cuisine. With a vast majority of people reporting that they include eggs in their diets at least once a week1, these apparently simple products form a key pillar for professional kitchens. Their versatility allows them to take a central role in every meal. Thanks to their multiple forms, they meet the requirements of convenience, hygiene and cost, whilst offering professionals the possibility of creating attractive and nutritional dishes for any time of day. Read on for a demonstration.

Starting the day with eggs: A must at breakfast time

More and more consumers enjoy eggs with their breakfast, and eggs are also breaking through to brunch, a time when they are frequently eaten. It should be noted that, in the morning, eggs deliver a full dose of vitality to menus at hotels, brunch restaurants and bakeries. Whether they are served scrambled, poached or in omelettes, they provide nutritional value that is essential to starting the day off right. Scrambled eggs – so soft and creamy – can be enhanced by herbs, cheese or diced ham for a touch of extra indulgence. Poached eggs – with their runny centres and silky whites – are often served on crunchy toast or accompanied by avocados, for a healthy and flavourful option. As for omelettes, a variety of ingredients can be added, ranging from fresh vegetables to cheese to bacon, lending themselves to endless creations capable of meeting any dietary or taste requirement.


Nutritionally speaking, eggs are champions. Rich in high-quality protein, they provide all the essential amino acids that the human body needs to repair itself and grow. Eggs are also an important source of vitamins like B12, which is crucial to the nervous system, and choline, which plays a role in the brain’s development and in liver function. Further, they contain minerals like selenium, which is beneficial to the immune system and overall health.


As a result, eggs are great allies of food service professionals, beginning in the early hours of the day. Because they are so quick to prepare, customers can be served a complete and satisfying meal equally quickly. In addition, ready-to-use egg products like fresh scrambled eggs eliminate the need to deal with eggshells. Beyond their practicality, they also minimise the risk of cross-contamination, guaranteeing safe fare for establishments that serve large quantities of meals. Moreover, eggs are a must for hotel breakfasts, in the form of omelettes, hard-boiled eggs or scrambled eggs.

Eggs during the day: Ingredients for any meal

Over the course of the day, eggs continue to play a vital role in the culinary offerings of many dining establishments. Their ability to be incorporated into a variety of recipes, from light starters to more consistent mains, make them essential to any chef or restaurateur. In salads, poached eggs add a rich texture and a mild flavour that nicely balances crunchy greens and bold vinaigrettes. In sandwiches, medium- or hard-boiled eggs can transform a simple snack into a satisfying, nutritional meal.


In kitchens, frozen egg preparations are becoming a preferred solution for professionals looking to optimise their time without sacrificing quality. These products are particularly appreciated for their ease of use, allowing them to be quickly added to a multitude of recipes without all the restrictions associated with handling fresh eggs. Whether used to prepare large quantities of quiches or to enhance pasta dishes, egg products promise consistency and quality. Some examples include:

  • Cooking egg fried rice
  • Creating a revisited Caesar salad using crumbled omelette chunks
  • Making egg on toast, egg wraps, mixed salads and power bowls
  • Preparing pasta carbonara, in which eggs add a dash of creaminess that makes all the difference.


Eggs also excel in fast food and snack food environments. Because they are easy to prepare, store and serve, they are ideal for takeaway menus. For example, hard-boiled eggs keep well and can be prepared in advance, making them a convenient option for takeaway salads and power bowls. In addition, the multiple cooking and preparation methods – like soft-baked eggs and mini frittatas – make it possible to personalize dishes to customer tastes and market trends.

Variations on egg-based recipes extend beyond national borders, like Spanish omelettes, which are a symbol of Spain’s cuisine and can be found in many bars, restaurants and households across the country. They are often enjoyed as tapas, starters or main courses and can be eaten hot or cold. Their popularity has also spread abroad, where they are appreciated for their simplicity, their versatility and their deliciousness.


In a food service climate where margins are crucial, eggs are a relatively inexpensive option that can be transformed into a variety of appealing yet profitable dishes. Their low purchase price compared to other protein sources makes them the preferred choice of establishments concerned with keeping their budgets under control without compromising on the quality of the meals they serve.

Eggs: A key component of delectable dinners

The versatility of eggs is also on display in the evening, allowing chefs to concoct simple, elegant or gourmet dishes.


Cocotine’s free-range  perfect eggs are the perfect illustration of this, and an excellent option for giving restaurant menus a boost. They can be used in many ways: as starters, garnishes or main courses, or even used in soups and salads. They are guaranteed to be cooked evenly and precisely every time, meaning consistent quality in the dishes served to every customer.

The creamy texture and elegant presentation of a 63-degree egg can add a gourmet quality to any dish, making the dining experience a memorable one for each guest.

When prettily presented, they inject a degree of elegance into any dish, making it more appealing to customers and more likely to be ordered.


Eggs are also the stars of quiches, delicately browned gratins and generous omelettes. Each of these recipes gives eggs the chance to shine through combinations of flavours and textures that meet the expectations of a complete evening meal. Eggs contribute not only their flavour but also their ability to bind other ingredients together, to create cohesive, delicious dinner fare.


Eggs also blend easily into a variety of cuisines. In Asian dishes for example, they can be served as rolled omelettes or soft-boiled for use in ramen, providing a silky texture and a rich flavour that are perfect supplements for spicy broth and noodles. In Mediterranean cuisine, eggs are at home in dishes like shakshuka, where it is poached in a spicy tomato sauce.


Lastly, eggs can also be counted on for pastries. In the evening, they are a key ingredient in many a dessert. Crème brûlée, flan and chocolate mousse are just some examples in which eggs play a vital role, delivering the texture and richness that are needed to end a meal on a satisfying, sweet note.


Eggs are pillars of institutional catering and restaurants alike. Not only is their versatility an advantage to culinary creativity, but it is also essential to meeting consumers’ diverse needs throughout the day. These days, changing dining habits are pushing professionals to be more attentive to ethical and quality requirements. Now that consumers are placing more and more value on chicken farming methods and have a preference for eggs laid in France, professionals can promote their responsible supply choices to their customers. Here at Cocotine, we are committed to giving food service professionals the option of serving French cage-free, free-range or organic eggs to their guests.



1 CSA Institute survey for the CNPO (French National Egg Promotion Committee)


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