25 May 2021

Food service: Egg products for every dining occasion

Culinary trends

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Eggs are a staple food. Whether on their own or incorporated into sweet or savoury recipes, eggs can be found at any dining occasion. In Europe, 115.2 billion eggs were produced for consumption in 2019, 2% more than in 2018. Production (up 0.6%) has also followed this rise in consumption. The statistics also show that 20% of those eggs are processed into egg products.


A response to diners’ expectations 

Given the many advantages they offer, these egg products are chiefly used in the food service industry. They provide a convenient way to ration out portions, manage inventory and save time preparing meals. In addition, they offer high-level food safety and traceability guarantees. Although the health risks that they pose prevent shell eggs from being used in food service kitchens, egg products give chefs the opportunity to use this key food item, either in liquid form (whole egg or egg yolk or white) or in a prepared form (hard-boiled eggs, omelettes, crêpes, etc.).

Because eggs, whether in a liquid or prepared form, can be used in many ways and in many different dishes offered to guests. They are part of the British culinary landscape. As proof of eggs’ unfailing success, their consumption increased by 15% between 2004 and 2019. Dietary habits are also changing, with the wider and wider adoption of flexitarianism: in 2017, 28% of British people said they wanted to reduce their meat consumption. In this respect, eggs and egg products are an attractive alternative for flexitarians.


Egg products for every dining occasion

Egg products have a place in our diets throughout the day, in a variety of forms. When combined with other quality ingredients, they can be used to enrich menus or else be enjoyed on the go between two meals. While soft-boiled and fried eggs are sufficient in and of themselves, there are many other ways to present the unique tastes and textures of eggs. Depending on how they are prepared and cooked, recipes can vary with the seasons and the chef’s whims! As a result, egg products can be used for any dining occasion.

Food service: Egg products for every dining occasion | Cocotine


For more information about the benefits of Cocotine’s egg products, download our e-book, Eggs: Much More Than a Breakfast Food!

Download the e-book, “L’oeuf dans tous ses états” (Eggs: Much More Than a Breakfast Food)


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