03 August 2023

How to use eggs to create balanced vegetarian dishes ?

Motivated by matters of health, sustainability and/or ethics, a vegetarian menu bars the inclusion of meat and seafood. Unlike vegans, vegetarians eat other animal products though, such as eggs and dairy. More and more consumers today are looking to eat less meat, but without completely eliminating it from their diets. As an institutional catering chef, you have a key role to play in allowing your diners to enjoy at least one balanced vegetarian dish each week.


How to easily make a balanced vegetarian dish

How to assemble a balanced vegetarian dish with eggs or egg products

For adults and teens, a dish should provide at least 9.5 grams of protein per portion (4.8 grams for primary school age children). Eggs and egg products are ideal protein sources that can help you meet this recommendation. Plus, you can use them to concoct a wide variety of vegetarian dishes with ease for your institutional catering menus. You can build your balanced vegetarian dishes with egg products by following these guidelines:

What’s the nutritional interest of eggs and egg products?

Eggs boast plenty of nutritional advantages, delivering:

  • High quality protein
  • Omega-3s
  • Vitamins and minerals

In fact, eggs are considered to be a model source of protein. They provide all the amino acids that we are supposed to get through our food. They are said to have maximum biological value, meaning that the body’s assimilation and use of their protein is optimal.

In truth, it’s very easy to create vegetarian dishes for institutional catering using egg products. There’s no need to think too much about the protein balance: just replace the usual portion of meat with a portion of eggs to craft a balanced vegetarian dish!


Cocotine’s eggs and egg products to the rescue!

To help you diversify your vegetarian menus, we have developed a wide range of eggs and egg products under the Cocotine brand name.

Egg Wraps:

  • A real culinary aid for chefs: soft, quick to use and easy to fold and handle
  • Great for sweet or savoury dishes
  • Additive free, made from cage-free eggs laid in France
  • A vast array of possible uses: wraps, samosas and more
  • Frozen products sold in boxes of 40 squares, 18×18 cm and 110 grams each

Poached Eggs:

  • Fresh products made from free-range eggs laid in France
  • Convenient: pre-cooked so they can quickly be added to many dishes like salads, casseroles and more
  • Packed fresh in egg cartons that hold 48 eggs, also available in XXL format

[Ebook] Vegetarian Egg Recipes


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