Product service

Cocotine egg products: When service meets quality

Egg products are eggs in any form other than in their shells. Fresh or frozen, they can be used in many a sweet or savoury recipe. Egg products and cooked egg-based products are staples of the food service industry, providing tremendous services to professional kitchen crews. The fact is that chefs must often deal with staffing shortages and so must bank on service products that are guaranteed to be convenient, save them time and deliver high quality.

Cocotine products are amongst these culinary aids that simplify the lives of cooks. Many chefs trust us today, because they know that the farmers in our co-operative are concerned about animal welfare and that our production sites are compliant with quality standards.


Egg products: A helping hand in the kitchen 

Cocotine has a wide range of egg-based products for any chef and any meal. From dine-in restaurants to fast food, there is a place for egg products in any kitchen, to treat consumers at any time of day. Egg products can save precious time, since they eliminate the need to break, handle and even cook eggs, a point that becomes even more valuable when you’re short on staff. They also go hand in hand with improved food safety and zero waste!


Liquid egg products

The usefulness of liquid whole egg, egg yolk and egg white is not limited to the agri-food industry. Ready-to-cook egg products are essential to most popular recipes, including the classics of fine French cuisine. 

On the savoury side, egg yolks are indispensable to making a batch of nice, firm mayonnaise, hollandaise sauce, or a wash for a salmon puff pastry pie. And a cheese soufflé would be just as impossible without extra-fresh egg whites. When it comes to preparing a brunch worthy of the name, you can’t avoid scrambling up eggs to delight diners of any nationality.

On the sweet side, you simply can’t make pastries without eggs: whites for fluffy meringues, yolks for velvety creams and whole eggs for even richer recipes. 


Cooked egg-based products

Between peeled hard-boiled eggs, poached eggs, traditional omelettes and Spanish omelettes, prepared products made with cooked eggs come ready to garnish or ready to serve in quick and easy recipes. Hotels, institutional dining, dine-in restaurants, fast food and snack food all rely on these products for their convenience and simplicity, and for the ease of portion cost control. 


High quality of Cocotine egg products and cooked egg-based products

Cocotine’s farmers are committed to producing fresh eggs each and every day, in locations close to our processing plants. Out of an interest in animal welfare, they are gradually converting their chicken coops so they can give their laying hens access to outdoor space with natural light. 

This in turn allows our co-operative to sell high-quality egg products that meet chefs’ needs. Incorporating Cocotine’s prepared products into your dishes gives you the opportunity to showcase your use of food from farms that are respectful of animal welfare and the environment, perfect for satisfying consumers’ latest expectations.