Environmental impact

Environmental impact of egg production

Eggs are a source of protein that generates less of an environmental impact compared to meat. And that impact can be reduced even further by optimising the different stages of production. Whether in terms of feed for laying hens or their farming conditions, Cocotine’s 230 co-op farmers work hard each day to produce quality eggs whilst shrinking their environmental impacts. 

Over and above our commitment to quality standards, all our production sites and all our processing methods are also aligned with our sustainability policy.


Reducing the environmental impact of egg farming


By aiming to boost animal welfare and increase productivity while reducing emissions, we are sustainably developing the production of eggs. Agricultural activities can be considered sustainable if they do not disturb the environment, if they are economically viable for farmers and if they meet society’s needs.


Transitioning to alternatively farmed eggs

Cocotine has committed to stopping caged chicken farming and making the shift to organic, free-range or animal welfare cage-free farming. This approach involves taking matters of animal welfare and respect for laying hens into account. 

For animal welfare cage-free farming in particular, this means setting up an outdoor area with natural light next to the chicken coop, which fosters bigger, higher-quality egg clutches. Such enrichments to the birds’ environment encourage natural behaviours like exploring, pecking, scratching and more.


Feed for laying hens

The biggest environmental impact stems from the feed given to laying hens on farms. Replacing imported feed made from soya and palm oil with ingredients like protein crops, seaweed, worms, food waste and locally grown agricultural by-products can help to reduce the carbon footprint of eggs. 

As concerns organic farming, European regulations require 100% organic feed (compared to 95% by 1 January 2022), 30% of which (previously 20%) is produced on site at the farm for laying hens. 


Sustainability policy for our production and processing plants


To minimise transport, Cocotine’s egg production and processing facilities are located near the farms that supply them. Similarly, the manufacturing and blow-moulding of PET bottles on site at the shelling plant further reduces our carbon footprint. In total, nine times fewer trucks are dedicated to delivering empty bottles! 

And our work doesn’t stop there:

  • The heat from our refrigerator systems is recovered to heat or cool the premises and even to wash the workshops
  • Natural light is prioritised in our workshops to reduce our energy usage
  • Our consumption of water has been optimised.


Cocotine stands with our farmers and offers them financial assistance in transitioning to alternative production methods for their eggs. Our brand is proactive when it comes to legislative actions, to ensure we are meeting societal and environmental expectations.